Manchester Homelessness Partnership
Co-producing solutions to end homelessness
What is the Manchester Homelessness Partnership?
The Manchester Homelessness Partnership (MHP) unites people with personal experience of homelessness with organisations from different sectors, to co-produce solutions together to end homelessness.
A bit about our history – The MHP formed in 2016, in response to growing concerns about high levels of visible rough sleepers in Manchester city centre, and indicators showing that all forms of homelessness were on the rise across Manchester at a rate which was higher than the national average. There was a recognition that more needed to be done to address homelessness in Manchester – but we also needed to change the way in which it’s done.
After a series of events and workshops, the Manchester Homelessness Partnership was formed, bringing together cross-sector organisations and people who have experienced homelessness, to tackle homelessness in Manchester.
In 2022, the MHP was relaunched after the COVID-19 pandemic, celebrating the successes of the Partnership so far, while also recognising that we need to continue working together and adapting our response to end homelessness in Manchester.

How does it work?
At the heart of the Partnership are our Charter values and the Actions Groups which tackle specific challenges that people who are homeless may face. Each group includes people who have experienced the topic in question, as well as other relevant organisations. Most of our work is done voluntarily by the fantastic people in our network.
We have a board of representatives from different perspectives of our city which meets to use its collective influence to remove systemic blockages.
Part of the ‘glue’ that holds our network together is our MHP Network and Communications Worker, a post hosted by Macc and is partly funded by Manchester City Council.
We are also linked into the Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network.
Who's involved?
The Manchester Homelessness Partnership currently works with the following organisations:
Charity and voluntary: Booth Centre, Barnabus, Coffee4Craig, Lifeshare, Mustard Tree, Greater Together Manchester, Justlife, Riverside, Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH), Manchester Women’s Aid, Shelter, Street Support Network, Reach Out to the Community, Boaz Trust, Real Change MCR, GM Migrant Destitution Fund, Caritas Cornerstone, On The Out, Our Room, Change Grow Live, Albert Kennedy Trust, Centrepoint, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit, Standing Tall, Shared Health Foundation, Greater Together Manchester, Depaul UK, Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network, Greater Manchester Better Outcomes Partnershipand the Running Charity.
Statutory and Public Sector: Department for Work and Pensions, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Probation, Manchester City Council, NHS, Riverside Housing, Urban Village Medical Practice, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Manchester.
Business: Manchester Arndale, Bruntwood, CityCo, HSBC, Laing O’Rourke, Lloyds Banking Group, Radical Recruit, Greater Manchester Academies Trust and the Growth Company.
And many more local organisations and dedicated individuals.
How to get involved:
There are many ways in which you can contribute to the aims of the Partnership: