How to help

There are lots of ways to help the Manchester Homelessness Partnership, and our aim to end homelessness in Manchester in all its forms. 

Looking for advice? 

Learn about how to get help where you are, or how you can help those facing homelessness via Street Support

Helping someone who is, or is at risk of being, homeless 

Help for someone sleeping rough 

If you are worried about someone you’ve seen sleeping rough in Manchester, you can alert the Council on their website. Alternatively, you can inform Streetlink by downloading the Streetlink app.

Help for someone who has recently become homeless 

If you want to support someone who has recently become homeless it’s important to get the right advice as soon as possible. Visit the Manchester City Council website.

Help for someone at risk of losing their home 

There are several support and advice services that help people to understand their options, including: 

If you’d like to support the work of the partnership with a donation, we recommend you donate money directly to one of our charity and voluntary members who provide services to people in Manchester experiencing homelessness: 

Barnabus - to empower and equip people experiencing homelessness back into independent living and a home 

Boaz Trust - to serve destitute sanctuary seekers and refugees 

Booth Centre - to support people affected by homelessness 

Coffee4Craig - Offering respite, hot food and much more to anyone who is street homeless in Manchester 

Justlife - to reach more people who are stuck in temporary accommodation alone 

Lifeshare – to help keep Manchester warm this winter 

Mustard Tree - to help combat poverty, inequality and homelessness

Offers of items 

The Manchester Homelessness Partnership is a network made up of member organisations. To support the work of the partnership through a donation of items, we recommend you donate to one of our members who provide direct services to people in Manchester experiencing homelessness. The following organisations are able to accept donations of items: 



The Booth Centre 

Mustard Tree – donate goods and furniture 

Caritas Cornerstone Centre


Please check each organisation’s own website for an up-to-date list of the most useful items needed. For unusual, culturally-specific or high-volume offers please email / and we will try to signpost you to a relevant specialist organisation in liaison with Macc


If you’d like to volunteer to help end homelessness in Manchester, please contact the Volunteer Centre who can connect you to an organisation in need of volunteers. Or call Macc’s Volunteering Team on 0161 830 4770 (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm) or email  

There, you can view an up to date list of volunteering opportunities supporting Housing and Homelessness.  

Offers of venue space 

We are always in need of regular and ad-hoc premises and venue spaces in central Manchester for our Action Groups to meet in, as well as larger venues to host partnership-wide events. Please email with details. 

Advocacy and campaigns 

Please let us know of any campaigns you would like us to share with the network, along with how members can get involved via Learn more about the following campaigns by following these links: 

Crisis campaigns (national) 

Citizens UK (national) 

Are you from a community or voluntary group looking for advice or connections?

You can find a lot of advice and guidance on the Manchester Community Central website, including on finding funding, developing a project or connecting with others. Information and support are also available through Macc’s dedicated telephone information service 0333 321 3021 (open from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday); or by emailing 

For anything else, please email